about us
We help decision making through systems thinking. Using both graphical tools (conceptuals maps, mind maps and causal loop diagrams) and operative tools (system dynamics), we identify patterns and dynamics to understand disfuncionalities, decide actions and monitorize results. We build decision making environments.
We propose comprehensive solutions for a consistent action integrated in the environment. We call this Systemic Change and Transition Design.
In 22SISTEMA we help organizations to develop their vision as a system, and their imbrication in the wider systems they are part of.
- Dynamics Identification and Modeling
- Decission making environments building
- Integrated corporate strategies
- Systemic Change and Transition Design
- Teachers and educational managers (program)
- Professionals and managers
- Regional planners

aoliva (at) 22sistema.com
Agricultural Engineer with a strong specialization in Sustainability and System Dynamics, including courses by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Bergen University, Polytechnical University of Catalonia (UPC) and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).
I have written about sustainability and urbanism, specifically around the development of 22@ district in Barcelona, a project I have been involved from the begining.
I have taught systems thinking and system dynamics at different publics, including university and master courses. We founded 22SISTEMA together with Agustí Ten, with whom we have teamed up until 2017.
+34 646 103 063 | info (at) 22sistema.com
22@ district – Barcelona
POLIRURAL is a project for Future Oriented Collaborative Policy Development for Rural Areas and People. POLIRURAL will provide a set of knowledge resources including an inclusive learning environment where rural populations, researches and policymakers come together to address common problems. The technologies used include text mining and system dynamics modelling. 22SISTEMA is the system dynamics expert in this project, financed by the EU Horizon’s 2020 research and innovation programme.